Steam Labs
What is Steam Labs Program?
Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) aspires to engage and prepare all our students in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) to ensure our community has the next generation of inventors, explorers, innovators, artists and leaders. One way we have done this is through our STEAM School Designation program which has been serving our teachers and students since the fall of 2015. Click below to learn more about M-DCPS student achievement increases in the areas of Mathematics and Science in schools that earn a silver or gold STEAM designation.
WEO 2021-2022 STEAM LAB Grant
The WEO Foundation has made a generous donation to our STE(A)M Labs Initiative. In doing so, 9 of our M-DCPS K-5 Schools have received a $1,200.00 grant in efforts to further our STE(A)M education for our 3-5th grade students. For more information, see the M-DCPS Press Release below!