Needy Students and Families

Needy Students and Families

The Shop

What we do:
The Office of Community Engagement provides resources for Miami-Dade County Public School students, families, and schools.

How We do it:
With the support of our valued partners and foundation grants, The Shop at M-DCPS located at Lindsey Hopkins Technical College is a one-stop shop that provides clothing, shoes, backpacks, school supplies, toiletries, personal items and non-perishable food to our students and families in need.

How to request assistance:
Appointments for students and families must be made by a school site employee or administrator.

Prom Boutique

What we do:
Prom Shop provides new gowns, shoes , tuxedos, and all the trimmings for prom for our ladies and our young men to complete their prom attire at no cost.

How we do it:
With the help of donors, we provide prom attire and tickets to prom, grad bash and senior activities for our students in need.

How to request assistance:
Appointments for students must be made by a school site employee or administrator.