The Green Fund @ FNEI
What is the Green Fund?
The Green Fund @ FNEI was created to help support Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) build a culture of sustainability and resilience through the Green Schools Recognition Program (GSRP). The GSRP awards schools who go above and beyond in their commitment to shaping a sustainable community on campus and encourages schools to act for a healthier school and environment. Inspired by a mission to conserve resources and take care of the natural environment that surrounds us, the Green Fund will help schools achieve this mission by working with community sponsors to gather the necessary resources to pursue sustainability initiatives in schools.
Why should I donate?
Donations can be used to help create a healthier more sustainable future for our students. With your help, we could do this by engaging in the following activities:
Donate to support the Green Schools Recognition Program
2023-2024 M-DCPS Green Schools Recognition Program Application
M-DCPS schools are welcome to apply to the annual Green Schools Recognition Program to receive recognition and cash awards for their dedication to creating a school-wide culture of sustainability.
1st Place: $5,000*
2nd Place: $3,000*
3rd Place: $1,000*
Judges Choice Awards: $750* each